Monday, January 19, 2009

Novena and Fasting

Two ways to guarantee the success of any project is to pray and fast. These two traditions are common to all religions.

Fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline, through fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit can transform your life. Fasting brings you into the presence of God every time you discipline yourself from doing what you will. You are reminded of why you are sacrificing. Your priorities will change and put in their proper perspective.

When you offer your sacrifice to God, you are imitating Jesus. Fasting is prayer. Fasting can be denying yourself some favorite food, or less food. It can also be activities: watching TV, blogging, driving, reading, emailing, playing cards, etc.

A Novena is a special way of praying. It is a devotion consisting of a prayer said on nine succssive days, asking to obtain special grace. Our Novena is asking God to bless our parish by bringing St. Mary's parishioners closer to Him. May Mary, our patron, intercede for us.

Please begin fasting and praying the Novena on January 23, 2009 and continue for nine days. Thank you and God bless you.

Novena for the Success of Arise in St. Mary's Parish
My Lord, You inspired Jesus to give everything
He had for our sake. Move St. Mary's parish by the
same Spirit to a new way of life. Inspire us to give
ourselves completely to You, to put You first in our lives
and to share our gifts, our time, our talent, our treasure,
to carry out Your will. Increase our faith, Lord, for we
desire to grow closer to You.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.

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