Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Where Are You Going?

Could you leave everything to follow someone you love? 

You could when you were a teen.  So what's difference between then and now?

Stuff.  You own much too much stuff now; you didn't have much as a teen.  Read  1Kings 19:19-21.

Here Elisha is a young man, maybe a teen, and leaves all.  The fact that he's driving 12 oxen tells us that his family is rich.  He burns the yoke to make a good fire to cook all the oxen.  This was to prove to Elijah that he was ready to follow God.  He was leaving his old life behind. 

I don't think Elisha's father could have done the same.  Actually, having stuff means you have responsibilities.  It was easier for Elisha, and that's not taking away the fact that Elisha's leaving it all behind wasn't virtuous.  It was difficult to give everything up; it would have been impossible for Elisha's father. 

Now read Luke 9: 57-62.  Same situation.  We don't know anything about this young man.  Would leaving mean leaving a wife and children?  Yikes! 

God wouldn't ask that.  Let's look at the point of the story.   The point being to trust in God.  What surrendering means is different for each of us.  But we all are called to follow God.

Where Are You Going To, My Pretty Maid?

"Where are you going to,
my pretty maid?"
"I'm going a-listening,
Sir," she said.

"May I go with you,
my pretty maid?"
"You're kindly welcome,
Sir," she said.

"What will we listen to,
my pretty maid?"
"My Father's good Words,
kind sir," she said.

"Where will we listen,
my pretty maid?"
"Within Father's house,
kind sir," she said.

"How will we listen,
my pretty maid?"
"With all of our heart,
kind sir," she said.

"Who is your Father,
my pretty maid?"
"The Lord God in Heaven
kind sir, she said.

"How can we reach Him,
my pretty maid?"
"I'll show you the Way,
kind sir," she said.

"Jesus, The Way, The Truth
and The Life,
will lead you to Him,
kind sir," she said.

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